Fun, Food, and Financial Fortitude

Updated at: 7:10 PM.
Under Category:
It's a silly little thing, but I love the amount of joy a new toy or diversion can bring into your life. We've recently opened a Skype account at Norman Flynn to hold conference calls with clients who are currently living in France. We went to Staples, bought a $4.99 microphone, hooked it up to the computer and have had all kinds of fun: pretending to be Bob Barker, taking turns recording funny voices, and pretending at the end of our call to our clients to 'run the credits' at the end of our 'show' as the theme music comes up.

It wasn't a huge stretch, but the bit of forethought that went into ordering chicken Caesar wraps from Bach's Cafe for Bruce and I to pick up on the way to a string of meetings went a long way towards keeping our blood sugar and energy levels up, and keeping us 'present' to the tasks at hand.

Listening to a training call by one of my Xocai upline sponsors, I gain this little nugget of wisdom, "The best defense in a lagging economy is your ownability to generate income." - Warren Buffet. This is an ability that I am building in myself each day as I complete my Millionaire Mind affirmations, my VAKS, and generally am present to my attitude toward money, making sure to only entertain positive thoughts.

Fun, Food, and Financial Fortitude
, was posted by: , Wednesday, October 22, 2008, at 7:10 PM under category and permalink Id 4.1.
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