Luxurious Lake, Guilty Pleasures, Home Sweet Home

Updated at: 7:01 PM.
Under Category: Diary
1. The lake is a bolt of fine striated italian silk, ranging from nearly turquoise close the shore to a deep ocean blue near the horizon.
2. We've just discovered that we can now watch all the recent episodes of ABC's primetime shows through streaming technology recently released here in Canada (a privilege (?) previously reserved for those living in the US). Aside from a few technical difficulties we are rather enjoying the guilty little indulgence of watching the almost cartoonish series 'Ugly Betty'.
3. In the middle of a brisk walk to return a dvd to our favourite video store up on Kingston Road, we are striding along on a street we haven't walked before when I look up to see the most adorable little brick cottage complete with Georgian columns flanking the front door and a rather truncated octoganal "turret" which looks like it would provide an excellent spot to curl up with a book or gaze out into the trees and daydream. I'm completely green with envy - if only I could airlift it out to Halifax or a larger estate lot and set up house in this little gem!

Luxurious Lake, Guilty Pleasures, Home Sweet Home
, was posted by: , Saturday, January 7, 2012, at 7:01 PM under category Diary and permalink Id 4.1.
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